Sunday, October 31, 2010

Birthday Weekend Taj - Part III

Pismo Beach.

Perfect dunes for an ATV.

Kintje mocht niet met papa mee, maar schelpen zoeken is ook leuk.

Birthday Weekend Taj - Part II

After a lovely stay at the Santa Maria Inn, we drove to Montano de Oro State Park.

"Hey, is that my squirrel friend? He followed us?"

"Take a cookie, my friend."

Laura Fatima likes the squirrels a bit better than horses.

Flower fields.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Birthday Weekend Taj - Part I

On the road to Santa Maria we stopped at Solvang. Just outside Solvang is Ostrich Land. Scary animals!

Is dit het Losserse Breughel? Nee, het is Danish Day in het plaatsje Solvang.

Broem broem.

Solvang was founded in 1911 by a group of Danes who traveled west to establish a Danish colony far from the midwestern winters. The city is home to a number of bakeries, restaurants, and merchants offering a taste of Denmark in California. The architecture of many of the facades and buildings reflects traditional Danish style.

Ballona Wetlands - Marina del Rey

Een stukje rijden op de motor, naar de Wetlands.

"Ik ben niet bang voor slangen - open the gate!"

Vieze broek

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Laura's doctor said that her first teeth would be of no use to her, but she is using them to eat any fruit she can, including apples, and to bite us.

Disco ball!

Still best friends with the squirrel.

Exploring, exploring and exploring.

First bicycle.

Santa Monica Library

Feeding the ducks (and herself) with dad.

Laura Fatima loves football/soccer.