Friday, January 28, 2011

Big sis


"Noor is sleeping again!! Let's watch TV and have some chips. That's what big sisters do, right?" Laura Fatima never had the patience to watch TV for more than a couple of minutes, until now.


Fortunately Laura stopped crying along in sympathy with Noor. It was no fun to have them both cry together, even though Noor barely cries.

"Can I go riding the bike?"

Playing outside now that the weather has warmed up again.

Walking with two!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ending 2010 with 4

Wordt Laura's vroegere favoriete plekje ook Noor's favoriete plek?

Laura en papa proberen de draagzak uit.

New Year's Eve meal.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Noor Zainab

Born on December 27 at 3:47 PM in West LA Kaiser hospital.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas 2010

Christmas tree at the mall

Opening gifts

Playing with Santa Squirrel in the car

Walk at Venice Beach - cold weather, but the bread meant for the birds keeps Laura warm.

Muharram 1432


Juloos in downtown LA