Friday, August 31, 2012

Trip continued - Canada

En onderweg een snackie.
Terwijl we langs Delhi en Paris rijden en een stop maken in London. Zijn we wel in Canada of zijn we de weg kwijt?
Harbourfront en Port of Toronto.
We beklimmen de CN Tower voor een view op de stad, Lake Ontario en...
... the Blue Jays stadium.
147 verdiepingen hoog.
Papa heeft wat last van hoogtevrees.
Op een hele heldere dag kun je de mist van de Niagara Falls zien. Wij kregen dat niet te zien en dus zette we de reis weer voort...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Trip continued - Detroit/Dearborn

The depressing, yet interesting city of Detroit.
The kids don't mind the poverty and racial segregation.
We visit the Islamic Center of America Mosque in Dearborn.
The Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn - Greenfield Village.
Since everything was new, Laura Fatima thought of looking for a new teacher as well. She did not like her too much and decided not to switch schools.
Leaving the city on the way to Canada.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Trip continued - Holland, Michigan

Onderweg naar Holland... Aldi!
Laura Fatima, even in Holland, has to show she is a li'l American by pledging allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
Net echt!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Trip Chicago-Indianapolis

... to Chicago.
Het hotel-leven is goed.
Millennium Park in downtown Chicago
For first time with metro.
Sears Tower. We thought Laura Fatima was scared of heights, but she and Noor Zainab looked down 103 floors without a problem.
View on Chicago and Lake Michigan.